Drugs and Child Custody Don't Mix
Courts take a dim view of drug usage these days. Though legal, alcohol should not be consumed if you are in a custody battle. And while there are several states that have already legalized marijuana, it's still illegal in Georgia and will only hurt your chances of getting child custody. And the more serious drugs, such as cocaine and meth, are even more of an issue to Judges in Georgia. If you use cocaine, meth or heroin, you will likely have to have to supervised visitation, if any. Children deserve to be raised by competent, alert and attentive parents. Using mood altering substances reflects poorly on your decision making and commitment to raising healthy and balanced children. Do yourself and your children a favor and steer clear of anything that isn't 100% clean and natural during a custody case. Even CBD oil and some prescription drugs (such as pain medications and diet pills), should be avoided during a custody case unless absolutely necessary. If you can function without them, and your doctor approves, stop taking them while you are in a custody case.