Divorce is difficult anytime of year but especially so during the holidays. So what can you do to make it better?
Here are ten suggestions for surviving the holidays while your divorce is pending.
1. Set aside your divorce and focus on the holidays instead. You have the rest of the year to fret about your divorce. For a week or so over the holidays. let it go. The Courts are shut down, your lawyer is on holiday and you should be too. Don't let your divorce define your holiday.
2. Make a new holiday tradition. Yes, the holiday will invariably be different during a divorce. But that's okay, Define a new holiday tradition and without your spouse.
3. Get much needed rest and relaxation. Use the holidays to help heal recover from the emotion and drama of divorce and to prepare for the coming year. It will help make you stronger.
4. Map out plans for the future. Putting off that bucket list? Now is the time to write down your top ten and commit to checking them off. They can be small or big items but if they are important to you, put them on a list and start working on each and every one.
5. Define your ideal. Is your ideal a different kind of mate? Is your ideal simply being by yourself? Think about who/what you need and make sure you get what you need and want the next go round.
6. Reconnect with friends. Reach out to friends who you haven't spoken to and let them know you still care. Friends are good for the soul and reinforce your self-worth.
7. Work on your career. Think about what it will take to take your career to the next level. Advanced education or certifications? More time at work? Taking on new projects or a new job? Commit to more focus on you career in the coming year.
8. Commit to your mental health and well being. Don't forget the importance of strong mental health and well being. It's too easy to get caught up in the insanity and to let it consume you. Focusing on your well-being to be a stronger, more confident version of yourself post-divorce.
9. Eliminate the detritus. We all have it. In our homes; in our heads and in our lives. Wherever you can, clean up your thoughts, distractions, personal life and home environment. Make it easy for you to move forward in life by getting rid of what you no longer need.
10. Respect the process. It's easy to focus on the difficulty of divorce instead of the rewards of moving on in life. Spend time over the holidays recognizing that the steps to finalizing your divorce may be longer than desired but will ultimately serve you in the long run.
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